The scandal unfolded by former President Nishani

The scandal unfolded by former President Nishani
This article has been written for Albanian Free Press newspaper and

By Plator Nesturi

The problem relating to the unlawful occupation of lands has been solved. We just need to take a look at the lists that newspapers publish with the names of those who are granted property titles for lands belonging to others. Everything is handled normally based on the respective law. The only thing which cannot find a solution is the process of giving back lands to their legitimate owners, even when these lands are free. It is hard to predict the time when this process will end. Meanwhile, new government incentives and laws are not a good sign. While we get ready to take further steps toward the process of EU integration, we would surprise everyone in the old continent once we make an inventory of the lands, because these lands will belong to three categories: owners, former owners and those who use the lands of other people.

Several years ago, residents of Orikum held a protest. In Orikum, we didn’t have a clash between a community and the state, but a clash between different categories of people, where each category claiming to be owners of the land. There, we didn’t have a legal conflict between public property and property belonging to the community, but a social conflict as to who will benefit from the numerous laws which are passed and which often contradict each other.

Political class provokes conflicts through chaotic laws

For as long as they have been in opposition, both the right wing and the left wing have pledged that they would solve the problems with properties. But, they have forgotten their promises as soon as they have seized power. Now, the problem has become even bigger, by expanding further south in a very attractive sea coast area, Himara.

After finishing in Orikum, the grasshoppers’ armies seemed to have headed to the Riviera, in an attempt to occupy more tourist areas, while this is causing many social tensions. Now, all the new laws on the ownership of land and the law on the development of tourism, approved by the left wing, seem to have just one aim: to appropriate coastal areas in the name of the development of tourism. The fact that properties remain unregistered has not prevented authorities to issue permits for tourist resorts, which are being built on lands the origin of which doesn’t appear on paper.

The ones who will benefit out of this legislative chaos will be those who have secured properties through forged documents or abuse with power. There are many cases like this along the coast, where the interest is greater.

The scandal unfolded by the former president

What seems to make the situation caused by law 7501 even gloomier is the declaration maded by former president Bujar Nishani. Nishani unfolded a scandal where the law on properties, which has been approved by the Venice Commission, is different to the one approved by Parliament, meaning it’s been forged and it doesn’t comply with international law on property. We still don’t have an official reaction on this, although it is a very serious thing, given that it is a violation of the rights of a number of people. One of the most basic constitutional rights for which Albania has pledged to respect, being one of the key criteria to start the EU accession talks. If this is true, then this would be a big scandal, not only in relations with the EU, but also in the relations with the citizens, who will not see any other solutions by the protest.

Note: The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Albanian Free Press’ editorial policy


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