Rushing toward a ghost

Rushing toward a ghost
By Frrok Çupi

All of our countrymen want to be part of the EU. Someone with his mind, someone with hope, someone with ulterior motives and someone aspires this because everyone aspires. In the end, politicians go there to obtain power. In fact, all of these people who rush toward the EU are alive; but everyone is rushing after a ghost.

Once upon a time there was the EU...

The most honest ones from those who rush to the EU are those who remember the EU. They either remember touching it or remember it as a dream. Now that we’re on the verge of commemorating the December ’90 events, when democracy in the country started and when the word “Europe” was allowed to be mentioned, we can remember the EU that existed at that time as being ideal. Devil could be on the other side of the Adriatic, but in our mind, he was God. We could even meet the great personalities of that time such as Valery Giscard d’Estaing, Jacques Delors, François Miterrand, Julio Andreotti, Helmuth Kohl… They were alive, not only for themselves, but also for us on the other side of the Adriatic…

Today, the EU has turned into a ghost, not only because these men (most of them) are dead. The EU no longer exists “for democracy”; the EU serves governments and benefits. Many believe that they will be able to find that EU if they go there. No, it is no longer the EU of 1990, 1992, 1997 or even 2000. Meanwhile, for bad politicians, this logo (“EU”) is more profitable than ever: Now, EU bureaucrats secretly deal with government people and they agree if governments cultivate, traffic drugs or commit crimes.

The EU feels it has died, but it can find no diagnose or cure

Douglas Murray, a contemporary English researcher and author, writes that to rebuild the EU “is the same as to start a new war with old weapons”. Typical of the death of this “super state” is the fact that during the battle “it fell in its own home”. Many armies and warriors in this history have fallen on each other’s lands; while the EU died in its own ground, within Europe. More than 56% of citizens in Germany do not want the EU. Other countries such as Holland, Italy, France and others, have higher figures. Meanwhile, in other EU members such as Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic or Slovakia, the percentage of people who want the EU is lower than 20%. Eurocrats are in war with these “treacherous” countries and are attempting to cut their funds. Mrs. Merkel herself, the true boss of the EU, is not being able to form a government following September’s polls, while chances are that she may not be able to create it next year either. This has not happened since Hitler’s time in Germany. Now, the EU has turned into a ghost being used to lie to people who have just recognized European civilization and aspire to join it.

EU, as a ghost wondering above the heads of the poor

At least 3.4 million Albanians out of 3.5 who are thought to be in the country, want the country to be part of the EU. It is an old fairytale which they have haven’t yet forgotten. They are encouraged to fulfill their dream. But, by heading toward this dream, the pro-EU crowds may intentionally crush everyone who would dare to be against. Here, we could have a true “hell” in the name of the EU. In this situation, all of those who do not want the EU may be punished. There was a time when people went to prison for not wanting the Soviet Union.

Responsible for this is that community of people who have wanted the EU so much. Not because they wanted it, but because our citizens are not getting used to the idea that the EU is not like the one we dreamed.  In the past five days, there were news stories claiming that “Juncker told Rama that negotiations would start” with Albania for its accession. Even Donald Tusk and Mogherini said this. What has actually happened?

Eurocrats and the Prime Minister of Albania knew that lies were being told. However, they sent these messages to the “sheep” in Albania as “happy messages”, without feeling any regret that they were deceiving the victims. The same people have declared in their forums in September, August or July that “there will be no enlargement of the EU”. Where did they find the courage to tell so many lies to people “who want to believe” even lies?

But even the victims never asked themselves: Which EU are we trying to reach? Does the same EU exist or has it now turned into a ghost? Why should we rush toward the EU?

Why does it matter that there’s a Ghost there?

Neither the Albanian government nor EU officials do not care that on both sides there are only ghosts. In Albania, people do not believe that we will become an EU member, while in the EU, they don’t even believe what they have said on such issue–this is the ghost. But the ghost is needed on both sides:

In the EU, “admission” ghost is needed for what they can do. After the EU has lost Europe, it is trying to penetrate areas which are easily manipulated, such as Albania and Western Balkans, because they are dominated by the libertarian ideas of George Soros, where the majority of EU officials are his activists.

On the Albanian side, the EU ghost aims at manipulating citizens that “the EU commended the government”. The ghost leads to power.

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